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Colonial Writings During the Am. Revolutionary Period

English Language Arts Activities [ ELA Activities]

Geography of Boston
[Colonial perspective of Boston]

Student poetry - Assignment War Is 1 . | Student Work 2 . .

Seeking refuge in the countryside (1775)
[Student colonial perspective]

Parody - "Yankee Doodle"

Boston Massacre (1770)
[Colonial perspective]

Design a certificate for Paul Revere following directions

Design an original gravestone

Trashing of Hutchinson's House (1765) [ Student colonial perspective]

Original town meeting simulation based on "My Brother Sam Is Dead" (Collier)

Sugar Act (1764)
[Colonial perspective]

. . . If You Lived In Colonial Times challenge

Population of Negroes living in Dorchester and Roxbury

Letters from Looney traveling to colonial Boston

News Article: Death of Paul Revere [Colonial perspective]

Colonial Character Monologue challenge

[ Inquiry Unlimited| Revolutionary Period - ELA Rev. period and Math activities | Westward Expansion student character journals | Abolitionism | Student slave narratives]

Last modified: February 24, 2017.

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