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Inquiry Unlimited Presents . . .
The Homebase of the
Looney Lobsters
(spawned in 1997 - retired in 2000)
. . . the traveling lobster buddy projects that were developed
and refined over 4 years by a now-retired practitioner
from the Joseph Lee School, Boston, MA.
[Explore these links and books for our Looneys' crustacean family background.]

A NOTE FROM MARJORIE DUBY: The original idea for these travel projects was based on the experiences my class had while hosting Kathy Allen's Pueblo Petey for a school week in November, 1996. I designed a project that was on-the-road by January, 1997 and continued to adapt the travel framework and themes for 4 consecutive years until Looney and I retired from active teaching. Each project fit our 4/5th grade curriculum content and attempted to broaden the use of technology as a tool through email; listserv; sharing video clips and online journal webpages; matching online clues; and sharing online postcards.
Project timelines, histories, and archived messages:
1996 - 1997 "The Looneys on the Loose"
(Lisa, Larry, and Lester traveled 22,762 miles)
1. Looney97 project announcement 2. "Looneys on the Loose" - Looney97
1997-1998 "The Looneys Love Regional Literature"
(Larry, Lester, Lisa, and Lee traveled 26,831 miles)
1. Looney98 project announcement
2. "The Looneys Love Regional Literature" - Looney98 webpages and journal entry links
3. Looney98 read-aloud regional titles
1998-1999 "Where In the USA Is Looney Lobster Reading?"
(Lexus, Lugz, Luigi, and Leo traveled 30,359 miles)
1. Looney99 project announcement
2. "Where In the USA is Looney Lobster Reading?" - Looney99 project webpage and journal entry links
3. Letters from Looney in colonial Boston
1999-2000 "Log-On With Looney: CyberWriting" (Latavia, Linda, and Lucy traveled 22,484 miles)
1. "Log-on with Looney: CyberWriting" - Looney2000 project announcement
2. Looney2000 acrostics
Looney genealogy:
Travel mascot projects we have hosted:
Pueblo Petey | Redwood Willie | Super Ted | Alphonse Alligator | Classroom Pet Exchange | Dinky Platypus | Snowball
Sharing our project:
- A three-year overview of our Looney Lobster project
- 1998 International Reading Association presentation, Wednesday, May 6, 1998 (Originally a HyperStudio Stack)
- My personal views on - "Designing an Original Project"
- "Get-your-feet-wet" suggestions for participating in successful telecommunications projects.
- Eureka! is a database I am developing to complement our curriculum content and themes.
Links to Online Travel Projects:
- "Looney Lobsters on the Loose" - 1997 from Boston, MA
- Sited at http://lee.boston.k12.ma.us/gr/barb/barb.asp - - -Berry, the Bog Frog from Boston, MA
- "The Looneys Love Regional Literature" - Looney 98 - from Boston, MA
- "Make Way for Ducklings" - Natalie Thomas
- "Read Across America" with Abbe and Alphonse Alligators (Abbeville, LA)
- Ollie and Oscar's Odyssey (California)
- Bernie visited the United Kingdom
- Abbey and Addey of Indiana
- Chuck the Woodchuck of Pennsylvania
- Flat Pals

Educator is a recipient of the Miss Rumphius Award
As of December 4, 2003, you are visitor
to enjoy Looney's travel page.
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Last modified: October 30, 2014 Copyright �1999 Marjorie Duby. All rights reserved.
Unless otherwise indicated, this website and its contents are the property of Inquiry Unlimited and are protected, without limitation pursuant to United States and foreign copyright laws. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: Inquiry Unlimited attempts to provide appropriate, informative educational links. We cannot be responsible for the content, use of, or quality of materials on any website other than our own. To the best of our knowledge, graphics on this site are public domain. If you find otherwise, please notify us and we will remove them immediately.