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Teaching Children Social Studies with a Travel Buddy Project
The Technical Aspects of
Planning a Travel Buddy Project
So . . . you have participated in or heard of travel buddy projects. Now you want to attempt your own project focusing on your grade and classroom content! After you design and craft your project to fit your needs, this online resource will focus on the mechanics of setting up and administering the project.
The Task
Design a project which complements your curriculum content and provides a framework for expanding student skills. Prepare to administer the technical aspects and provide the support needed in a travel buddy project.
- Where will you post your project announcement?
- What will you use as your selection criteria?
- How will you notify prospective participants that they have been accepted or rejected?
- What is the most effective itinerary?
- On which continued housekeeping chores will you focus?
- What project support will you provide?
- How will you evaluate the project?
- How will you conclude the project?
- How will you document the project?
- How will you select your type of travel buddy?
Online Resources
- Designing the actual project
- Creating "a call for collaboration message."
- Considering the best time to post your project announcement.
- Sites for posting your announcement.
- Selecting your participants.
- Administering with prepared messages of acceptance and rejection.
- Using a mailing list for ease in communication.
- Firming up the itinerary for the project.
- Housekeeping activities of the administrator.
- Evaluating your project.
- Concluding the project with your participants.
- Reflecting on the documentation of your project.
Your Success
Throughout the project, you will receive positive, unsolicited, feedback from your participants. You will observe what participants do with your project in their curriculum content and grade level and get many new ideas. As administrator, if you have thought out your project and put in the hard work to anticipate pitfalls, you and your participants will enjoy the fruits of your labor.
As of December 4, 2003, you are visitor
to consider a travel buddy project.
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