Eureka! | Inquiry Unlimited | USA historical timelines

Planning and Administering

a Travel Buddy Project

Prepared messages of acceptance, rejection, and commitment.

As you begin to make initial decisions while sorting through email messages, create a series of template messages for future use.

  1. "acceptance" messages for those who are interested, who meet your criteria for selection, and who will be asked to participate, including the request for a firm commitment
  2. Project responsibilitites message
  3. An "I'm sorry but the project is full" message to those who cannot be included due to time constraints and whatever other reasons you might have.
  4. A "the project is full and has already begun but keep us in mind for the future" message for those who continue to see any messages archived on the Hilites list and who are applying after the project has begun.
  5. A message about using the project mailing list during the project.
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Last modified: September 15, 2005
Copyright 1998 - Marjorie Duby. All rights reserved.