Eureka! | Inquiry Unlimited | USA historical timelines
Planning and Administering
a Travel Buddy Project
Project Evaluation
The "Looney Lobsters on the Loose" project finished in early June, 1997 and the Looneys returned by June 13. I began to reflect on the benefits of the project. I got input from my class about what they found successful. I heard from project participants about wanting to be involved for the upcoming school year assuming I would do it again. I heard from three participants who anticipated designing a project similar to this travel buddy project for the upcoming school year.
Based on the active feedback I received and my positive observations of the project's impact on my class and curriculum content, I decided to plan a new project for the upcoming school year.
I planned to lean towards a Looneys Love Regional Literature" theme with read alouds and regional literature as the focus. I would like to involve the school sites even when it is not their week.
[ Concluding the project | return to the main design page ]
Last modified: September 15, 2005
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