Compute with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, integers, and rational numbers. | Using the "Mathematical Study Sheet" and online Revere Family Tree resources, or the Revere Family Tree available in class, compute the information using a hand-held calculator or the computer's calculator. | |
Develop, analyze, and explain procedures for computation and techniques for estimation. | Use and describe different strategies. | |
Select and use an appropriate method for computing from among mental arithmetic, paper and pencil, calculator, and computer methods. | Targeting combinations: Rocks hit targets (print sheet) Combination chains:Target chains (print sheet) Using the "Mathematical Study Sheet" and online Revere Family Tree resources, or the Revere Family Tree available in class, compute the information using a hand-held calculator or the computer's calculator. |
Estimate to check the reasonableness of results. | Determine the reasonableness of an estimate by checking solutions using a variety of strategies. |
Describe, extend, analyze, and create a wide variety of patterns. Describe and represent relationships with models, tables, graphs, and rules: use sentences and algebraic expressions. Use patterns and functions to represent and solve problems. |
(print sheet) Organized list: Chores combinations - multiple combinations (print sheet) Organized list: Herbs combinations - multiple combinations (print sheet) * Organized list: Tradespeople in the marketplace (print sheet) Logic: Tradesmen (print sheet) Logic: Women's chores (print sheet) Logic: Apprentices (print sheet) Logic: Patriot Births (print sheet) |