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An Original Colonial Simulation

Created by Inquiry Unlimited
Goal: To use problem solving skills and creativity without changing history.

featuring the collaboration of:

5th graders Cedar River Elementary School
Maple Valley, WA

5th graders, Joseph Lee Elementary School
Boston, MA

The Colonial Simulation Project:

Aim: As our originally created 18th century characters, we prepared and reacted to tasks, challenges, and obstacles that our characters might have faced if they had lived during the 18th century. We used 18th century factual information about the lifestyle of the "real" colonists.
    Option 1 - creative approach using the "real" Massachusetts Bay Colony experience

    Challenge: How creative might one's characters be within the geographical limitations of "the real Boston" area without the temptation of changing history?

    Option 2 - creative approach using the fictitious Newportia Colony based on a real middle colony in the Philadelphia area.

    Challenge: How will one's creative characters in a creative setting mirror a real, universal colony in the area without the temptation of changing history?
Classroom support materials: What do you get?

Online timelines for background information: [1693-1766 | 1767-1791 ]

Project Framework

Massachusetts Bay

Boston, MA
role players

Maple Valley, WA
role players

an adult assuming the role
of the interests in England
Note: Our original characters are based on life in the real Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Note: Our original characters are based on life in a fictitious Middle Colony in the Pennsylvania area. Note: A balance to the simulation with messages from King Charles II and Parliament based on real events.
Task: Create a colony profile

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Background resources:
[ charters ]
Task: Create a colony profile

Newportia Colony

Background resources:
King Charles II
Task: Create a colonial character

Character profiles

Background resources:
[ colonial life | apprenticeship]
Task: Create a colonial character

Character profiles

Background resources:
[ colonial life | apprentices]
Role: King Charles II and Parliament represent the obstacles of the 1700s governing and lawmaking bodies
Theme: Fire and minister loss

Challenge 1M -
(from Newportia to Mass Bay)

Solution 1M -
(from Mass. Bay to Newportia)

Background resources:
Theme: Witchcraft hysteria

Challenge 1N -
(from Mass. Bay to Newportia)

Solution 1N -
(from Newportia to Mass. Bay)

Background resources:
witchcraft hysteria
Theme: Charters

Edict 1MN -
(colonial charter obligations)

Theme: infringement

Edict 2MN -
Mass. Bay accused of infringement
Response from Mass. Bay

Background resources: charters

Theme: disease

Challenge 2M -
(from Newportia to Mass Bay)

Solution 2M -
(from Mass. Bay to Newportia)

Background resources: smallpox; definition of smallpox
Theme: weather

Challenge 2N -
(from Mass. Bay to Newportia)

Solution 2N -
(from Newportia to Mass. Bay)

Background resources:
Theme: aftermath of French and Indian War

Edict 3MN -
Troops to stay; restrictions on further colonial settlements westward

Background resources:
1754 - Fr. and Indian War
Theme: triangular trade

Challenge 3M -
(from Newportia to Mass Bay)

Solution 3M -
(from Mass. Bay to Newportia)

Background resources:
Theme: gunpowder blast destroys incoming merchant ship

Challenge 3N -
(from Mass. Bay to Newportia)

Solution 3N
(from Newportia to Mass. Bay)

Background resources:
Theme: colonial discord about taxes

Letter of support to the King from Newportian Loyalists

Suggestion of treason detected by the King of the colonists

Theme: Stamp Act

Edict 5MN-
Stamp Act

Background resources: [Stamp Act| events leading to Stamp Act]
Theme: Quartering Act and Sugar Act

Solution to 4MN the Quartering Act from Massachusetts Bay to Parliament

Background resources: Quartering Act
Theme: Quartering Act and Sugar Act

Solution to 4MN the Quartering Act from Newportia to Parliament

Background resources:Quartering Act

Theme: Quartering Act and Sugar Act

Edict 4MN - Quartering Act

Chastisement to Massachusetts Bay regarding merits of military discipline

Background resources:

Theme: Declaration of Independence

from Massachusetts Bay to King

Background resources: Declaration of Independence
Theme: Declaration of Independence

from Newportia to King

Background resources: Declaration of Independence

Theme: Declaration of Independence

response from the King

Background resources: Declaration of Independence

Primary and secondary sources:
charters | mob actions | colonial life | apprentice system | witchcraft | slavery ]
[ people of the time | war | smallpox ]

Online timelines for background information: [1693-1766 | 1767-1791 ]

Field trips in the Boston area


Massachusetts Bay Newportia Colony
Classroom preparation for a colony profile

Goal: Identify with Mass. Bay colonizers

Activity: Use of primary sources to compare and contrast the 1600s maps of England and New England
Character preparation
Classroom preparation for character preparation

Goal: Familiarity with the dress and daily problems of colonists

Familiarity with apprentice system
under construction
Written experiences:

1. Who are you? Who are your family members? What is your family background?

2. Describe your experience at the fire in the Meeting House

3. Describe a celebration or tragic event that happened to your character or a member of your family
under construction
Art activities:

1. Design a sign for the store/shop of a family member

2. Design headstones and gravestones for a family member or friend
under construction
under construction
under construction

Project support

Project content: We will provide you with the framework, thematic challenges and obstacles, suggested primary and secondary resources related to the themes, creative reactions to each of the challenges and obstacles from our 4th and 5th graders.

Project support: We will provide you with a Teacher's Guide that includes classroom management and group discussion suggestions for each thematic challenge; multi-disciplinary activities and short projects related to each thematic challenge; suggested lesson plans for background preparation related to the upcoming thematic challenges.

Project materials: We will provide you with a disk which includes an online version of the project. The disk, installed on a networked server, will provide the opportunity for classrooms in the same school building to collaborate on the project. They would be able to get the thematic challenges online, prepare their responses, and send their solutions to their partner class to be printed out and shared. Should a participant teacher desire to create their own, online project, similar to that of Massachusetts Bay and Newportia on the original disk, an additional disk with template files will be available for new users to create their own "Colonial Simulation" disk.

As of December 4, 2003, you are visitor to share our webpage.

[ Looney Lobster | Artifact Box | Literature Circle management ]

Last modified: January 27, 2008.
Copyright 1997 - Marjorie Duby. All rights reserved.

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