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Literary Enricher - Inqiury Unlimited [ Focus and Cubes]

Name: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________

Group members: ______________________________

Book/Text: ____________________________ Assignment: page _____ - page _____

Literary Enricher: Your job is to focus on the author's writing and use of words. The idea is to help people focus on the developing characters, plot, and writing style of the author. You should present the information you have found by engaging others from your group in activities and discussions of the literary aspects of the reading. Also bring a Level 6 (Evaluation) type question for group discussion.

(Tools for your role: cube of questions; dramatization; group or individual oral reading; your original interpretation of the character, plot, setting through a poem, rap, letter to the author.

1. Create a Literary Enricher Cube for group members to use.

2. Create a Literary Quiz for the session based on the reading. Instruct your group members to find evidence of specific literary devices you have found in the current reading.

3. Find conflicts or problems that the characters face in the current chapter. Create a role-playing activity that engages the group members in dealing as a character with those problems. Engage others in your group to reflect on what they have done.

4. Focus your group on a paragraph where you feel that the setting might affect something that is happening in the story. Create an activity to engage your group members in an expression of how the setting might affect what is happening in the story.

5. Explain your views in a letter, rap, or poem focusing on how the author is effectively developing the plot.

6. Direct your group members to locate any foreshadowing you have observed.

7. Locate and relate a sentence or paragraph where the writing style of the author is particularly clear, understandable, and believable.

8. Which special sections of the text do you feel the author did exceptionally well enough that you think your group would like to read it aloud. You decide which passages or paragraphs are worth hearing. You can read the passages aloud yourself, or ask someone else to read them. Then lead the group in a reflective discussion. (Reasons for picking the passage: How a character deals with conflicts. How the author is developing the plot. How the author gives information necessary to the reader which might be: surprising, controversial, funny; well written, confusing, or thought-provoking)

Format for recording your information on the back of this sheet should be as follows:

  1. Page ____ Paragraph beginning with the words ______________________________

Reason for picking the passage ______________________________________________

Marjorie Duby was featured as the "Wired Educator Success Story" for March, 1998

Educator is a recipient of the Miss Rumphius Award

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