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Folklore of Europe
compliments of Inquiry Unlimited
Folktales include all forms of narrative - - written or oral - - handed down through the years and reflecting the lives and imaginations of the people. According to Aarne-Thompson, the three types of tales are: Animal * Tales, Ordinary * Folktales, and Jokes and * Anecdotes. They categorized the tales using motifs. *.
Folklore from Europe
United Kingdom and Ireland | Germany | Austria | Czech Republic | Poland | Hungary
France and Monaco | Italy | Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal)
former Soviet Union: Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine
Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbarjian
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan [Kurdistan]
Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland)
Netherlands | Belgium | Switzerland
Greece | Balkan Peninsula | Yugoslavia | Romania | Aegean Islands
United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales) and Ireland
- Joseph Jacobs, collector (England)
- Jacobs, Joseph. English Fairy Tales [ENGLAND]
- Three Sillies, Tom Tit Tot, Old Woman and Her Pig, Cap O'Rushes, Teeny-Tiny, Jack and the Beanstalk, Three Little Pigs, Henny-Penny, Molly Whuppie, History of Tom Thumb, Lazy Jack *, Johnny-Cake, Whittington and His Cat, Master of All Masters
Calmenson, Stephanie. The Teeny Tiny Teacher. NY: Scholastic, 1998. [ENGLAND] (variant of "Teeny Tiny Woman")
Climo, Shirley. Magic & Mischief: Tales from Cornwall. NY: Clarion Books, 1999. (127 ps.) [ENGLAND] (stories featuring magical beings)
Cohen, Barbara. Robin Hood and Little John. NY: Philomel Books, 1995. [ENGLAND] (first meeting between Robin Hood and Little John)
Greaves, Margaret. Tattercoats. NY: Clarkson N. Potter, 1990. (26 ps.) [ENGLAND] (poor Tattercoats marries the Prince)
Curry, Jane Louise. The Christmas Knight. NY: McElderry Books, 1993. [ENGLAND] (tree blooms at Christmas but greedy servants block knight from trying to take the fruit to the King)
De La Mare, Walter. Molly Whuppie. [ENGLAND] (woodcutter's daughter outwits giant)
Doherty, Berlie. The Famous Adventures of Jack. NY: Greenwillow Books, 2001. (148 ps.) [ENGLAND] (Jill goes on adventures)
Early, Margaret. Robin Hood. NY: Harry Abrams, 1996. (unp.) [ENGLAND] (Sherwood Forest's outlaw adventures)
Foster, Joanna. The Magpies' Nest. NY: Clarion Books, 1995. (unp.) [ENGLAND] (why each bird builds his nest a different way)
French, Vivian. Lazy Jack. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press, 1995. [ENGLAND] (silly mistakes of Jack)
Hodges, Margaret. Molly Limbo. NY: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 1996. [ENGLAND] (miserly man buys a haunted cottage and finds out about the resident ghost)
Hodges, Margaret. Up the Chimney. NY: Holiday House, 1998. (32 ps.) [ENGLAND] (two sisters who go out to seek their fortune)
Howe, John. The Knight with the Lion: The Story of Yvain. Boston: Little, Brown, 1996. (unp.) [ENGLAND] (Knight Yvain, his lion, and his reconciliation with Lady Ludine)
Huck, Charlotte. Princess Furball. NY: Mulberry Books, 1994. (unp.) [ENGLAND] (a princess hides her identity from a king who falls in love with her by hiding under many coats)
Kellogg, Steven. The Three Sillies. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press, 1999. (32 ps.) [ENGLAND] (3 sillies in a family and 3 other sillier sillies)
Ketcham, Sallie. The Christmas Bird. Minneapolis, Minn.: Augsburg, 2000. (unp.) [ENGLAND] (robin warms the baby Jesus)
Larkin, Rochelle. Jack and the Beanstalk. NY: Creative Child Press, 1993. (27 ps.) [ENGLAND]
Mayer, Marianna. The Adventures of Tom Thumb. NY: SeaStar Books, 2001. (unp.) [ENGLAND] (childless couple; tiny boy's adventures)
Motomora, Mitchell. Lazy Jack and the Silent Princess. Milwaukee: Raintree Publishers, 1989. (30 ps.) [ENGLAND] (a foolish and lazy young man wins the hand of the silent princess by making her laugh)
Ness, Evaline. Tom Tit Tot: An English Folk Tale. NY: Aladdin Paperbacks, 1997. (unp.) [ENGLAND] (Rumpelstiltskin variant)
Orgel, Doris. Next Time I Will: An Old English Tale. NY: Bantam Books, 1993. (32 ps.) [ENGLAND] (boy does the right thing at the wrong time)
Osborne, Mary Pope. Kate and the Beanstalk. NY: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2000. (36 ps.) [ENGLAND] (girl hero)(Jack and the Beanstalk variant)
Paterson, Katherine. Parzival: The Quest of the Grail Knight. NY: Lodestar Books, 1998. [ENGLAND] (Arthurian legend in which Parzival, unaware of his noble birth, comes of age through his quest for the Holy Grail)
Pollock, Penny. The Turkey Girl: A Zuni Cinderella. Boston: Little Brown, 1995. [ZUNI]
Robins, Arthur. The Teeny Tiny Woman. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press, 1998. [ENGLAND] (woman and bone) [see: Calmenson's "Teeny Tiny Teacher")
Ross, Tony. Lazy Jack. NY: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1986. (silly boy makes sad princess laugh)
San Souci, Robert D. The Hobyahs. NY: Bantam Doubleday, 1994. (unp.) [ENGLAND] (dogs save girl from goblins)
San Souci, Robert D. Young Arthur. NY: Doubleday Books for Young Readers, 1997. (unp.) [ENGLAND] (King Arthur's boyhood, the sword in the stone, first victorious battle, unifying the kingdom)
San Souci, Robert D. Young Guinevere. NY: Doubleday, 1993. [ENGLAND] (Guinevere's life from her girlhood to her betrothal to King Arthur)
San Souci, Robert D. Young Lancelot. NY: Doubleday Book for Young Readers, 1996. [ENGLAND] (Lancelot's life and how he became the greatest knight of the Round Table)
San Souci, Robert D. Young Merlin. NY: Doubleday, 1990. (32 ps.) [ENGLAND] (from the birth of Merlin through age of seventeen before he met King Arthur)
Sabuda, Robert. Arthur and the Sword. NY: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 1995. [ENGLAND] (Young Arthur proving to be the rightful heir to the throne by being the only one able to pull the sword from the steel anvil)
Sewall, Marcia. The Green Mist. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999. (unp.) [ENGLAND] (A dying child is made well by the spring rituals intended to placate the mischievous beings hiding in the earth)
Shannon, Mark. Gawain and the Green Knight. NY: Putnam's, 1994. [ENGLAND] (Gawain accepts the challenge of a mysterious North Country visitor)
Steel, Flora Annie. Tattercoats: An Old English Tale. Scarsdale, NY: Bradbury Press, 1976. (32 ps.) [ENGLAND] (Cinderella variant)
Talbott, Hudson. Excalibur. NY: Morrow Junior Books, 1996. (unp.) [ENGLAND] (King Arthur receives Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake)
Wahl, Jan. Little Johnny Buttermilk: After an Old English Folktale. Little Rock, Ark.: August House LittleFolk, 1999. (unp.) [ENGLAND] (outwit witch who keeps trying to steal his milk)
Walker, Richard. Jack and the Beanstalk. NY: Barefoot Books, 1999. (40 ps.) [ENGLAND]
Williams, Marcia. King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press, 1996. (unp.) [ENGLAND] (the story of Camelot)
Wood, Audrey. Heckedy Peg. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987. (32 ps.) [ENGLAND] (mother saves her seven children from Heckedy Peg, a witch who has changed them into different kinds of food)
Ziefert, Harriet. The Teeny-Tiny Woman. NY: Viking, 1995. [ENGLAND] (teeny-tiny woman finds teeny-tiny bone - - repetition)
Cooper, Susan. Tam Lin. NY: Margaret K. McElderry Books, 1991. [SCOTLAND] (young girl rescues Tam Lin, the human knight, from the Elfin Queen)
DeFelice, Cynthia. Cold Feet. NY: DK Ink, 2000. (32 ps.) [SCOTLAND] (tricks; stealing a dead man's boots; wandering bagpiper)
Forest, Heather. The Woman Who Flummoxed the Fairies: An Old Tale from Scotland. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990. (32 ps.) [SCOTLAND] (fairies, bakerwoman and cakes, cleverness)
Huck, Charlotte. The Black Bull of Norroway: A Scottish Tale. NY: Greenwillow Books, 2001. (unp.) [SCOTLAND] (Scottish tale set in Norway with a three sisters seeking mates. The youngest willing to marry the Black Bull . . . he is transformed.)
MacGill-Callahan, Sheila. The Seal Prince. NY: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1995. (unp.) [SCOTLAND] (Lord and Lady Skye's daughter prefers to marry a seal-man she once rescued from death)
Moodie, Fiona. The Boy and the Giants. NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1993. (unp.) [SCOTLAND] (giant kidnaps girl; boy to rescue her with varied friends)
Nimmo, Jenny. The Witches and the Singing Mice. NY: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1993. [SCOTLAND] (three cats to save children under a spell of 3 witches)
Sewall, Marcia. The Wee, Wee Mannie and the Big, Big Coo: A Scottish Folk Tale. Boston: Little, Brown, 1977. (32 ps.) [SCOTLAND] (dealings of a little man and his big cow)
Van Laan, Nancy. The Tiny, Tiny Boy and the Big, Big Cow. NY: Knopf, 1993. [SCOTLAND] (cumulative tale with a tiny boy trying to milk a constantly moving cow)
White, Carolyn. Whuppity Stoorie. NY: Putnam's, 1997. [SCOTLAND] (fairy woman; 3 days to guess name)
Yolen, Jane. Greyling. NY: Putnam, 1991. [SCOTLAND] (A selchie, a seal transformed into human form, lives on land with a lonely fisherman and his wife, until the day a great storm threatens the fisherman's life)
Yolen, Jane. Tam Lin: An Old Ballad. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990. (31 ps.) [SCOTLAND] (Scottish lass reclaims her family's house and frees Tam Lin, a human held captive by the Queen of the Fey.)
Cullen, Lynn. The Mightiest Heart. NY: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1998. [WALES] (Prince Llywelyn and his loyal dog, Gelert, banished for falsely attacking a boy)
Cooper, Susan. The Silver Cow: A Welsh Tale. NY: Atheneum, 1983. (32 ps.) [WALES] (magic people reward boy's family for harp playing with a silver cow but the father's greed changes the gift)
MacDonald, Margaret Read. Slop!: A Welsh Folktale. Golden, Colorado: Fulcrum Kids, 1997. (unp.) [WALES] (unknowingly, a couple throws their dinner leftovers onto the house of another couple)
- Behan, Brendan. The King of Ireland's Son. [IRELAND] (prince, giant, maiden and beautiful music)
- Byrd, Robert. Finn MacCoul and His Fearless Wife: A Giant of a Tale From Ireland. [IRELAND] (Finn vs. giant)
- Climo, Shirley. The Irish Cinderlad. NY: HarperCollins, 1996. [IRELAND] (Cinderella variant with Becan, stepmother, stepsisters, princess, magical bull)
- Daly, Jude. Fair, Brown and Trembling: An Irish Cinderella Story. NY: Farrar Straus & Giroux, 2000. (unp.) [IRELAND] (Cinderella variant)
- Day, David. The Swan Children. Nashville, Tenn.: Ideals Children's Books, 1991. (32 ps.) [IRELAND] (Magician-King's four grandchildren transformed into swans by stepmother)
- DePaola, Tomie. Fin M'Coul: The Giant of Knockmany Hill. NY: Holiday House, 1981. (32 ps.) [IRELAND] (Fin and Oonagh vs. Cucullin)
- De Paola, Tomie. Jamie O'Rourke and the Big Potato: An Irish Folktale. NY: Putnam's Sons, 1991. [IRELAND] (leprechaun, lazy man, potato seed)
- Greene, Ellin. Billy Beg and His Bull: An Irish Tale. NY: Holiday House, 1994. [IRELAND] (bull, prince, princess, bravery)
- Hague, Michael. Kate Culhane, A Ghost Story. NY: SeaStar Books, 2001. (unp.) [IRELAND] (ghosts, cleverness)
- Hodges, Margaret. Saint Patrick and the Peddler. NY: Orchard Books, 1993. [IRELAND] (Saint Patrick helps a peddler)
- MacGill-Callahan, Sheila. The Children of Lir. NY: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1992. [IRELAND] (evil stepmother turns king's children into swans)
- MacGill-Callahan, Sheila. The Last Snake in Ireland: A Story About St. Patrick. NY: Holiday House, 1999. (unp.)[IRELAND] (St. Patrick rids snakes)
- Mayer, Marianna. The Black Horse. NY: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1984. (39 ps.) [IRELAND] (prince, princess, magic, wicked Sea King)
- McDermott, Gerald. Daniel O'Rourke: An Irish Tale. NY: Viking Kestrel, 1986. (32 ps.)[IRELAND] (pooka spirit's mischief)
- McDermott, Gerald. Tim O'Toole and the Wee Folk: An Irish Tale. NY: Viking, 1990. (31 ps.) [IRELAND] (poor ostracized; wee folk; magic)
- Milligan, Bryce. Brigid's Cloak: An Ancient Irish Story. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2002. (unp.) [IRELAND] (legend of the Irish slave girl who becomes St. Brigid)
- O'Shea, Pat. Finn Mac Cool and the Small Men of Deeds. NY: Holiday House, 1987. (88 ps.) [IRELAND] (3rd century legend or Finn MacCumhaill and kidnapping and giants)
- San Souci, Robert D. Brave Margaret: An Irish Adventure. NY: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1999. (unp.) [IRELAND] (woman faces a giant, serpent, sorceress)
- Shute, Linda. Clever Tom and the Leprechaun: An Old Irish Story. NY: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1988. (30 ps.) [IRELAND] (challenge of wits)
- Sierra, Judy. The Legend of Knockmany: A Folktale from Ireland. NY: Scholastic, 1993. (16 ps.) [IRELAND] (3rd century legend of Finn and Oonagh defeating Cuchullain (giant) once and for all)
- Souhami, Jessica. Mrs. McCool and the Giant Cuhullin: An Irish Tale. NY: Henry Holt and Company, 2002. (unp.)[IRELAND] (giants and tests)
Germany (Central Europe)
- Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, collectors [GERMANY]
- The Elves, The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids, The Golden Goose, The Bremen Town Musicians, Hansel and Gretel, The Fisherman and His Wife, Rapunzel, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Rumpelstiltskin, Gone Is Gone, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Iron John
- Anno, Mitsumasa. Anno's Twice Told Tales: The Fisherman and His Wife and the Four Clever Brothers. NY: Philomel Books, 1993. [GERMANY]
- Boada, Francesc. The Valiant Tailor. Morristown, NJ: Silver Burdett Co., 1985. (24 ps.) [GERMANY] (clever young tailor becomes king after killing seven flies with one blow)
- Galdone, Paul. The Elves and the Shoemaker. NY: Clarion Books, 1984. (32 ps.) [GERMANY]
- Mayer, Marianna. Iron John. NY: Morrow Junior Books, 1999. (38 ps.)[GERMANY] (the wild man of the forest helps a prince)
- Plume, Ilse. Shoemaker and the Elves. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991. [GERMANY] (4 elves help shoemaker)
- San Souci, Robert D. Brave Little Tailor. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1982. (31 ps.) [GERMANY] (tailor who kills seven flies with one blow outwits the king and earns half his kingdom and his daughter's hand in marriage)
- Wells, Rosemary. Fisherman and His Wife. NY: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1996. [GERMANY] (fisherman's greedy wife is never satisfied with the wishes granted by an enchanted fish)
Austria (Central Europe)
Czech Republic (Central Europe)
- Brodsky, Beverly. The Golem: A Jewish Legend. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1976. (44 ps.) [CZECHOSLOVAKIA] [JEWISH FOLKLORE] (golem created by Rabbi Lev to protect the Jews of Prague from angry mobs)
- Ginsburg, Mirra. How the Sun Was Brought Back to the Sky. [CZECHOSLOVAKIA]
- Marshak, S. The Month-Brothers. [CZECH]
- Peters, Andrew. Salt Is Sweeter Than Gold. [CZECH]
- Vojtech, Anna. Marushka and the Month Brothers. [CZECH]
- Wisniewski, David. Golem. NY: Clarion Books, 1996. [CZECHOSLOVAKIA - PRAGUE] [JEWISH FOLKLORE] (16th century Jews watched over by a life-size clay giant)
Poland (Central Europe)
- Gordon, Ruth. Feathers. NY: Macmillan, 1993. [JEWISH FOLKLORE] [CHELM, POLAND] (Yiddush tale involving the foolish villagers of Chelm who this time worry about the safety of the money they must collect to built a new one)
- Jaffe, Nina. The Way Meat Loves Salt: A Cinderella Tale from the Jewish Tradition. NY: Holt, 1998. [EASTERN EUROPE - JEWISH FOLKLORE] (Cinderella variant)
- Kimmel, Eric. Gershon's Monster: A Story for the Jewish New Year. NY: Scholastic Press, 2000. (unp.)[HASIDIC LEGEND] [JEWISH FOLKLORE]
- Prose, Francine. The Angel's Mistake: Stories of Chelm. NY: Greenwillow Books, 1997. [EASTERN EUROPE - POLAND] [JEWISH FOLKLORE] (botched mission of angels created the fools in Chelm)
- Prose, Francine. The Demon's Mistake: A Story from Chelm. NY: Greenwillow Books, 2000. (unp.) [EASTERN EUROPE - POLAND] [JEWISH FOLKLORE] (demons from Chelm go to New York)
- Rothenberg, Joan. Yettele's Feathers. NY: Hyperion Books for Children, 1995. [JEWISH FOLKLORE] [EASTERN EUROPE - POLAND] (gossiper learns a lesson)
- Sanfield, Steve. The Feather Merchants and Other Tales of the Fools of Chelm. NY: Beech Tree Books, 1993. (114 ps.) [JEWISH FOLKLORE] [EASTERN EUROPE - POLAND] (foolish tales from Chelm's silly citizens)
- Sanfield, Steve. Strudel, Strudel, Strudel. NY: Orchard Books, 1995. [JEWISH FOLKLORE] [EASTERN EUROPE - POLAND] (why teachers living in Chelm may not live on the top of a hill, own a trunk with wheels, nor eat apple strudel)
Hungary and Slovakia (Central Europe)
- Galdone, Paul. The Amazing Pig: An Old Hungarian Tale. NY: Houghton Mifflin/Clarion Books, 1981. (32 ps.) (king)
- Greene, Ellin. The Little Golden Lamb. NY: Clarion Books, 2000. (32 ps.) (good fortune when things stick to the lamb)
- Molnar, Irma. One-Time Dog Market at Buda and Other Hungarian Folktales. North Haven, CT: Linnet Books, 2001. (129 ps.) (King Matthias, outwit)
- Junne, I.K. Long, Broad, and Sharpshight: A Slovak Folktale. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1971. (31 ps.) [SLOVAKIA] (prince, with the help of three talented companions, frees a princess from the powers of a wizard)
France and Monaco (Central Europe)
- Charles Perrault, collector [1628-1703] [France]
- Mother Goose Tales
- Cinderella * or The Glass Slipper
- Blue Beard *
- Griselda
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Andrew Lang, collector [1844-1912] [France]
- Blue, Red, Yellow, Violet Fairy Books [Index * to his works]
- Rumpelstiltskin *
- Little Thumb *
- Snow-White and Rose-Red *
- History of Jack the Giant-Killer *
- Walter de la Mare, collector [France]
- Little Red Riding-Hood, Drakestail, Cinderella and the Glass Slipper, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Toads and Diamonds
- Boada, Francesc. Cinderella=Cenicienta. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2001. (unp.) [FRANCE] (Cinderella variant)
- Brown, Marcia. Stone Soup: An Old Tale. NY: Aladdin Books, 1986. (46 ps.) [FRANCE] (all the hungry town enjoys a soup made of water and stones by the three hungry soldiers)
- Coxe, Molly. Bunny and the Beast. NY: Random House, 2001. (34 ps.) [FRANCE] (Beauty and the Beast variant with rabbits)
- DeFelice, Cynthia. Three Perfect Peaches: A French Folktale. NY: Orchard Books, 1995. [FRANCE] (win the princesses hand with three perfect peaches)
- Huling, Jan. Puss in Cowboy Boots. NY: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2002. (unp.) [TEXAS] (A clever cat in Texas wins a fortune and a wealthy bride for his master) (Puss in Boots variant - France)
- Levine, Gail Carson. Cinderellis and the Glass Hill. NY: HarperCollins, 2000. [FRANCE] (Cinderella variant with a male hero)
- Levine, Gail Carson. The Fairy's Mistake. NY: HarperCollins, 1999. (87 ps.) [FRANCE] (reward and punishment to two different sisters)
- Mayer, Marianna. Beauty and the Beast. NY: SeaStar Books, 2000. (48 ps.) [FRANCE] (kind, beautiful maid releases a handsome prince from the spell of an ugly beast with kindness)
- McKinley, Robin. Rose Daughter. NY: Greenwillow Books, 1997. [FRANCE] (Beauty and the Beast variant)
- Pullman, Philip. Puss in Boots: The Adventures of that Most Enteprising Feline. NY: Random House, 2000. (unp.) [FRANCE] (clever cat wins the hand of a princess and a fortune for his master)
- San Souci, Robert D. The White Cat: An Old French Fairy Tale. NY: Orchard Books, 1990. (32 ps.) [FRANCE] (White Cat helps the youngest prince win his father's throne)
- Schecter, Ellen. Diamonds and Toads: A Classic Fairy Tale. Milwaukee: Gareth Stevens, 1999. (47 ps.) [FRANCE] (Claire is rewarded for showing kindness to a fairy in disguise but her bitter sister suffers a less pleasant fate)
- Shannon, Mark. The Acrobat and the Angel. NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1999. (32 ps.) [FRANCE] (after his grandmother dies, a boy acrobat finds a home in a monastery and gives up his "carnival ways" - - until his last performance)
- Basiile, Giambattista. Petrosinella, A Neapolitan Rapunzel. NY: F. Warne, 1981. (32 ps.) [ITALY]
- Bowden, Joan Chase. The Bean Boy. NY: Macmillan, 1979. (62 ps.) [ITALY] (boy carved from a bean used to seek fortune)
- Caduto, Michael. Crimson Elf: Italian Tales of Wisdom. [ITALY] (6 tales featuring talking animals, wizards, magical kingdoms)
- Cauley, Lorinda Bryan. The Goose and the Golden Coins. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981. (48 ps.) [ITALY] (goose that dropped golden coins)
- Cossi, Olga. Orlando & the Contest of Thieves. Lakewood, Colorado: Bookmakers Guild, 1989. (23 ps.) [ITALY] (contest to steal the impossible)
- De Paola, Tomie. The Clown of God: An Old Story. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978. (48 ps.) [ITALY] (juggler's performance)
- De Paola, Tomie. The Legend of Old Befana: An Italian Christmas Story. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980. (32 ps.) [ITALY]
- De Paola, Tomie. The Prince of the Dolomites: An Old Italian Tale. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980. (48 ps.) [ITALY] (origin of the glimmering white, blue, pink, and yellow peaks of the Dolomite mountains)
- De Paola, Tomie. Strega Nona: An Old Tale. NY: Scholastic Book Services, 1975. (32 ps.)[ITALY] (Big Anthony uses the magic pasta pot)
- De Paola, Tomie. Tony's Bread: An Italian Folktale. NY: Putnam, 1989. (32 ps.) [ITALY] (Milano baker loses daughter and gains bakery after baking a unique loaf of bread)
- Giannini, Enzo. Little Parsley. NY: Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1989. [ITALY] (witches and tasks)
- Kimmel, Eric A. Count Silvernose: A Story from Italy. NY: Holiday House, 1996. [ITALY] (Bluebeard variant) (Homely, clever, strong older sister saves younger useless sisters)
- Manson, Christopher. The Crab Prince: A Venetian Tale. NY: Holt, 1991. [ITALY] (Rosella and her true love)
- Nones, Eric Jon. The Canary Prince. NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1991. [ITALY] (wicked stepmother, prince, princess)
- Oppenheim, Joanne. The Christmas Witch. NY: Bantam Books, 1993. [ITALY] (Befana wanders)
- Peterson, Julienne. Caterina, the Clever Farm Girl: A Tuscan Tale. NY: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1994. [ITALY] (wit and charm of a poor farmer's daughter makes her queen)
- Plume, Ilse. The Christmas Witch. NY: Hyperion Books for Children, 1991. [ITALY] (Befana, poor peasant woman wanders with gifts for the Christ Child)
(previously published as The Story of Befana)
- Plume, Ilse. The Story of Befana: An Italian Christmas Tale. Boston: D.R. Godine, 1981. (27 ps.) [ITALY]
- Rayevsky, Inna. The Talking Tree: An Old Italian Tale. NY: Putnam, 1990. (32 ps.) [ITALY] (witch, king, enchanted princess)
- Sanderson, Ruth. Papa Gatto: An Italian Fairy Tale. Boston: Little, Brown, 1995. [ITALY] (beautiful and lazy vs. plain but loving)
- Stanley, Diane. Petrosinella: A Neapolitan Rapunzel. NY: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1995. (unp.) [ITALY] (ogress enchants heroine)
Iberian Peninsula: Spain and Portugal
- Ada, Alma Flor. The Three Golden Oranges. NY: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 1999. (32 ps.) [SPAIN] (3 brothers search for 3 brides acting on the advice of the old woman on the cliff by the sea)
- Eisner, Will. The Last Knight: An Introduction to Don Quixote. NY: Nantier, Beall, Minoustchine Pub., 2000. (unp.) [SPAIN] (comic-book format adaptation of Don Quixote, the Man of La Mancha, told by his friend and servant, Sancho Panza)
- Kimmel, Eric. Squash It!. NY: Holiday House, 1996. [SPAIN] (good fortune comes to a clever peasant aware of the King of Spain's fondness for a louse that bit him)
- Sierra, Judy. The Beautiful Butterfly. NY: Clarion Books, 2000. (32 ps.) [SPAIN] (female butterfly selects husband but is swallowed by a fish and finally rescued by a king in underwear who reunites the two butterflies)
- Stewig, John. Princess Florecita and the Iron Shoes: A Spanish Fairy Tale. NY: Random House, 1995. (unp.) [SPAIN] (Sleeping Beauty variant - - enchanted sleeping prince saved by brave princess)
- Vernon, Adele. The Riddle. NY: Dodd, Mead, 1987. (32 ps.) [SPAIN] (retelling of the Catalan tale of the charcoal maker's cleverness winning him an unexpected fortune)
Former Soviet Union
(Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbarjian, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan [Kurdistan])
- Arnold, Katya. Baba Yaga: A Russian Folktale. NY: North-South Books, 1993. [RUSSIA] (Baba Yaga; trick; young man cleverly avoids being eaten)
- Arnold, Katya. Knock, Knock, Teremok!: A Traditional Russian Tale. NY: North-South Books, 1994. (unp.) [RUSSIA] (cumulative animal tale)
- Arnold, Katya. That Apple is Mine!. NY: Holiday House, 2000. (unp.) [RUSSIA] (Rabbit, Crow, Hedgehog, Bear and an apple)
- Bernhard, Emery. The Girl Who Wanted to Hunt: A Siberian Tale. NY: Holiday House, 1994. (unp.) [RUSSIA - SIBERIA] (A young girl uses her skills as a hunter to avenge her father's death and to escape her evil stepmother.)
- Bernhard, Emery. How Snowshoe Hare Rescued the Sun: A Tale from the Arctic. NY: Holiday House, 1993. (unp.) [ESKIMOS - RUSSIA - YUIT] (Siberian Yuit tale when the demons who live under the earth steal the sun leaving the tundra in darkness, the animals send Bear, Wolf, and finally Snowshoe Hare to bring it back.)
- Brett, Jan. The Mitten: A Ukrainian Folktale. NY: Scholastic, 1990. (32 ps.) [UKRAINE] (animals, bear)
- Cech, John. First Snow, Magic Snow. NY: Four Winds Press, 1992. [RUSSIA] (little girl sculpted from the magic first snow by a woodsman lives with him and his childless wife and disappears in the spring causing them to search for her)
- Cecil, Laura. The Frog Princess. NY: Greenwillow Books, 1994. [RUSSIA] (youngest son of queen forced to marry a frog transformed from a princess)
- Cohen, Barbara. Lovely Vassilisa. NY: Atheneum, 1980. (48 ps.) [RUSSIA] (Vassilisa's doll helps her escape from Baba Yaga)
- Cole, Joanna. Bony Legs. NY: Four Winds Press, 1983. (47 ps.) (girl, witch, escape)
- Crouch, Marcus. Ivan. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1989. (80 ps.) [RUSSIAN FEDERATION] (15 lazy, simple, foolish tales)
- Daniels, Guy. The Tsar's Riddles; or, The Wise Little Girl. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1967. (32 ps.) [RUSSIA] (riddles and cleverness)
- Demi. The Firebird: A Russian Folktale. NY: Holt, 1994. [RUSSIA] (archer, magical horse, tasks, princess)
- Domanska, Janina. A Scythe, a Rooster, and a Cat. (32 ps.) NY: Greenwillow Books, 1981. [RUSSIA] (three brothers make their fortunes with a scythe, rooster, cat)
- Gerstein, Mordicai. The Shadow of a Flying Bird: A Legend of the Kurdistani Jews. NY: Hyperion Books for Children, 1994. (unp.) [JEWISH FOLKLORE] [KURDISTAN] (God takes Moses' soul with a single kiss when Moses refuses to give it up)
- Ginsburg, Mirra. Clay Boy. NY: Greenwillow Books, 1997. [RUSSIA] (childless couple make a clay boy who comes to life and eats everything in sight until meets clever goat)
- Ginsburg, Mirra. Striding Slippers: Adapted from an Udmurt Tale. NY: Macmillan, 1978. (32 ps.) [RUSSIA] (stolen shepherd's magical striding slippers cannot be controlled by anyone else)
- Ginsburg, Mirra. The Night It Rained Pancakes: Adapted from a Russian Folktale. NY: Greenwillow Books, 1980. (55 ps.) [RUSSIA] (Ivan finds pot of gold; outwit lord of manor to keep it)
- Hickox, Rebecca. Matreshka. NY: Doubleday Book for Young Readers, 1992. [RUSSIA] (Kata's little wooden doll saves her life when she is captured by Baba Yaga)
- Huth, Holly Young. The Son of the Sun and the Daughter of the Moon: A Saami Folktale. NY: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2000. (32 ps.) [RUSSIA] (Solvake, the son of the sun, wants to marry the daughter of the moon but she has other plans)
- Isadora, Rachel. The Firebird. NY: Putnam's, 1994. [RUSSIA] (prince, Firebird, evil Kotschei, rescue princess)
- Jackson, Ellen B. The Impossible Riddle. Boston: Whispering Coyote Press, 1995. (unp.) [RUSSIA] (The tsar of Russia loves his daughter and her potato pancakes so much that he will not allow her to marry, but finally a handsome young suitor outsmarts him.)
- Johnston, Tony. Alice Nizzy, the Witch of Santa Fe. NY: Putnam's, 1995. (unp) [RUSSIA] [SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO] (Southwestern versian of Baba Yaga story - sheep, adobe house, witch)
- Kimmel, Eric. The Birds' Gift: A Ukranian Easter Story. NY: Holiday House, 1999. (32 ps.) [UKRAINE] (villagers who cared for a flock of golden birds almost frozen by an early snow are rewarded the next spring with beautifully decorated eggs)
- Kimmel, Eric. I-Know-Not-What, I-Know-Not-Where: A Russian Tale. NY: Holiday House, 1994. [RUSSIA] (archer, tasks from the cruel czar, princess)
- Kimmel, Eric. One Eye, Two Eyes, Three Eyes: A Hutzul Tale. NY: Holiday House, 1996. (unp.) [UKRAINE] (girl promises to be the slave of a witch and her two daughters)
- Kimmel, Eric. Sirko and the Wolf: A Ukrainian Tale. NY: Holiday House, 1997. (unp.) [UKRAINE] (why dogs and wolves are friends)
- Kismaric, Carole. The Rumor of Pavel and Paali: A Ukrainian Folktale. NY: Harper & Row, 1988. (32 ps.) [UKRAINE] (twins have wager; greed)
- Lewis, J. Patrick. The Frog Princess: A Russian Folktale. NY: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1994. [RUSSIA] (Tsar's youngest son marries an ugly frog which turns out to be the princess Vasilisa)
- Lodge, Bernard. Prince Ivan and the Firebird: A Russian Folk Tale. Boston: Whispering Coyote Press, 1993. [RUSSIA] (Prince Ivan, Firebird, rescue of princess)
- Lurie, Alison. The Black Geese: A Baba Yaga Story from Russia. NY: DK Pub., 1999. (unp.) [RUSSIA] (Elena searches for her brother kidnapped by the witch, Baba Yaga's black geese)
- Malkovych, Ivan. The Cat and the Rooster: A Ukrainian Folktale. NY: Random House, 1995. (unp.) [UKRAINE] (a rooster is captured by a fox when he does not follow the warnings of his friend, cat)
- Martin, Rafe. The Language of Birds. NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2000. (32 ps.) [RUSSIA] (wealthy merchant's younger son proves his worth)
- Mayer, Marianna. Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave. NY: Morrow Junior Books, 1994. [SOVIET UNION] (Vasilisa's doll helps her escape from the witch to marry a tsar)
- McCaughrean, Geraldine. Grandma Chickenlegs. Minneapolis, Minn.: Carolrhoda, 2000. (unp.) [RUSSIA] (Baba Yaga story - advice of dead mother, special doll, wicked stepmother)
- Metaxas, Eric. The Fool and the Flying Ship. NY: Simon and Schuster, 1992. [RUSSIA] (goofy country bumpkin sets out to marry the Tsar's daughter)
- Mikolaycak, Charles. Babushka: An Old Russian Folktale. NY: Holiday House, 1984. (32 ps.) [RUSSIA] (old lady missed taking gifts to Christ Child and wanters leaving gifts for all children; Befana variant)
- Peck, Jan. The Giant Carrot. NY: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1997. [RUSSIA] (adaptation of turnip tale with Isabelle getting the carrot from the ground)
- Phinney, Margaret Yatsevitch. Baba Yaga: A Russian Folk Tale. Greenvale, NY: Mondo Pub., 1995. (unp.) [RUSSIA] (cruel housemaid, witch, cleverness)
- Polacco, Patricia. Luba and the Wren. NY: Philomel Books, 1999. (unp.) [UKRAINE - RUSSIA] ("Fisherman and His Wife variant - Ukranian girl saves wren in forest and is granted wishes)
- Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich. The Tale of Tsar Salta. NY: Dial Books, 1996. (unp.) [RUSSIA] (jealous sisters; Tsarina; infant son marooned on island by jealous sisters; magical swan)
- Riordan, James. Little Masha and the Bear: A Folktale from Russia. NY: Scholastic, 1994. [RUSSIA FEDERATION] (Misha the bear captures Masha, lost in the woods, is forced to clean his house; tricks him to return to grandparents)
- San Souci, Robert D. The Firebird. NY: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1992. (unp.) [RUSSIA] (enchanted garden, Prince Ivan, Firebird, rescues princesss)
- San Souci, Robert D. Peter and the Blue Witch Baby. NY: Doubleday Book for Young Readers, 2000. (32 ps.) [RUSSIA] (witch and tsar)
- San Souci, Robert D. The Tsar's Promise: A Russian Tale. NY: Philomel Books 1992. (unp.) [RUSSIA] (Tsar Kojata is captured by a hideous demon who demands to have what awaits him at home . . his newborn son)
- Sanderson, Ruth. The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring. Boston: Little, Brown, 2001. [RUSSIA] (tests)
- Shepard, Aaron. The Sea King's Daughter: A Russian Legend. NY: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 1997. (unp.) [RUSSIA] (Sea King's underworld palace)
- Silverman, Maida. Anna and the Seven Swans. NY: W. Morrow, 1984. (32 ps.) [RUSSIA] (Baba Yaga tale - seven swans take younger brother; Anna searches in the forest)
- Spirin, Gennadii. The Tale of the Firebird. NY: Philomel Books, 2002. [RUSSIA] (Prince Ivan, tasks, Firebird, beautiful princess)
- Tolstoy, Aleksey. The Gigantic Turnip. Brooklyn, NY: Barefoot Books, 1999. (unp.) [RUSSIA] (farmer's turnip is so big that combined efforts of him, his wife, 6 canaries, 5 geese, 4 hens . . . . to pull it from the ground)
- Tresselt, Alvin. The Mitten: An Old Ukrainian Folktale. NY: Mulberry Books, 1989. (32 ps.) [UKRAINE] (how a boy's lost mitten becomes a refuge from the cold for many animals)
- Vagin, Vladimir. The Enormous Carrot. NY: Scholastic, 1998. [RUSSIA] (teamwork as each animal attempts to pull a giant carrot from the ground) (based on turnip tale)
- Weninger, Brigitte. The Elf's Hat. NY: North-South Books, 2000. (unp.) [RUSSIA] (cumulative animal tale with a flea coming to crowd out a lost hat of animals)
- Winthrop, Elizabeth. The Little Humpbacked Horse: A Russian Tale. NY: Clarion Books, 1997. [RUSSIA] (peasant and his horse capture magical beasts, marries woman he loves, becomes Tsar of Russia)
- Winthrop, Elizabeth. Vasilissa the Beautiful: A Russian Fairy Tale. NY: Harper & Row, 1990. [RUSSIA] (Vasilissa uses the help of her doll to escape from Baba Yaga, the witch)
- Yolen, Jane. Firebird. NY: HarperCollins, 2002. (unp.) [RUSSIA] (Prince Ivan encounters the Firebird who helps him defeat the evil Kostchei)
- Zemach, Harve. Salt: A Russian Tale. NY: Follett, 1965. (32 ps.) [RUSSIAN FEDERATION]
- Ziefert, Harriet. The Snow Child. NY: Viking, 2000. (unp.) [RUSSIA] (childless couple build a child from snow)
- Ziefert, Harriet. The Turnip. NY: Viking, 1996. [RUSSIA] (giant turnip and help needed to pull it up)
- Bider, Djemma. A Drop of Honey. [ARMENIA]
- Hogrogian, Nonny. The Contest. [ARMENIA]
- Kherdian, David. The Golden Bracelet. [ARMENIA]
- San Souci, Robert D. A Weave of Words. NY: Orchard Books, 1997. [ARMENIA] (common person girl requires prince to become literate before she would marry him)
Scandinavia: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland
- Polette, Nancy. The Little Old Woman and the Hungry Cat. NY: Greenwillow Books, 1989. (20 ps.) [SCANDINAVIA] (hungry cat swallows everything in sight until swallows owner old woman who reacts)
- Carpenter, Stephen. The Three Billy Goats Gruff. NY: HarperCollins, 1998. [NORWAY] (Three Billy Goats Gruff variant)
- Finch, Mary. The Three Billy Goats Gruff. [NORWAY] (Three Billy Goats Gruff variant)
- Hodges, Margaret. Baldur and the Mistletoe Boston: Little, Brown, 1974. (30 ps.) [NORSE; Vikings]
- Hooks, William H. The Gruff Brothers. NY: Bantam Books, 19990. (32 ps.) [NORWAY] (Three Billy Goats Gruff variant)
- Kimmel, Eric. Easy Work: An Old Tale. NY: Holiday House, 1998. (unp.) [OREGON - NORWAY] (man and wife switch jobs variant)
- Littledale, Freya. The Farmer in the Soup. NY: Scholastic, 1987. (30 ps.)[NORWAY] (man and wife switch jobs variant)
- Littledale, Freya. Peter and the North Wind. NY: Scholastic, 1988. (32 ps.) [NORWAY]
- Lunge-Larsen, Lise. The Race of the Birkebeiners. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001. (unp.) [NORWAY] (legend of Haakon IV of Norway, 1204-1263)
- Lunge-Larsen, Lise. The Troll with no Heart in His Body and Other Tales of Trolls from Norway. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999. (92 ps.) [NORWAY] (Asbkprmsen and Moe's folktales featuring trolls)
- Mayer, Marianna. Iduna and the Magic Apples. NY: Macmillan, 1988. (40 ps.) [NORSE] (giant, Valhalla)
- Shepard, Aaron. Master Maid: A Tale of Norway. NY: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1997. [NORWAY] (prince, troll, captive maiden)
- Wisniewski, David. Elfwyn's Saga. NY: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1990. (28 ps.) [VIKING] (curse, Hidden Folk, blindness)
- Hickox, Rebecca. Per and the Dala Horse. NY: Doubleday Book for Young Readers, 1995. (unp.) [SWEDEN] (young boy and his toy horse outwits the trolls after his two older brothers have tried and failed)
- Lobel, Anita. The Pancake. NY: Greenwillow Books, 1978. (48 ps.) [SWEDEN] (Gingerbread variant - - rolling pancake gets away from all pursuers but the clever pig)
- Rydberg, Viktor. The Christmas Tomtem. NY: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1981. (32 ps.) [SWEDEN] (On Christmas Eve, Vigg is invited to accompany the Christmas tomtem on his rounds which include a stop at the Hall of the Mountain King)
- Allen, Linda. The Mouse Bride. [FINLAND]
- De Gerez, Toni. Louhi, Witch of North Farm: A Story from Finland's Epic Poem, the Kalevala. NY: Viking Kestrel, 1986. (32 ps.) [FINLAND] (Louhi's plan to steal the sun and the moon backfires when the gods learn of his scheme)
- Shepard, Aaron. The Maiden of Northland: A Hero Tale of Finland. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1996. (40 ps.) [FINLAND] (Finnish myth telling of Vainamoinen and Ilmarinen courting Aila, the maiden of Northland)
- Hans Christian Andersen, collector * [1805-1875] [images *]
Andersen's Fairy * Tales and Stories include:
The Steadfast Tin Soldier, Emperor's New Clothes, The Fir Tree, Ice Maiden, Thumbelina, Clumsy Hans, Little Match Girl, The Nightingale, Princess and the *Pea, The Red Shoes, The Snow Queen, The Swineherd, The Tinderbox, The Ugly Duckling, The Wild Swans
- Perlman, Janet. The Emperor Penguin's New Clothes. NY: Viking, 1995. (30 ps.) ["Emperor's New Clothes" variant]
- Bason, Lillian. Those Foolish Molboes!. [DENMARK]
- Brande, Marlie. Sleepy Nicholas. [DENMARK]
- Conover, Chris. The Wizard's Daughter. [DENMARK]
- Coombs, Patricia. The Magic Pot. [DENMARK]
- Haviland, Virginia. The Talking Pot. [DENMARK]
- Kent, Jack. Hoddy Doddy. [DENMARK]
- Lobel, Anita. King Rooster, Queen Hen. [DENMARK]
Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland
- De Leeuw, Adele. Legends and Folk Tales of Holland. NY: T. Nelson, 1963. (157 ps.) [NETHERLANDS] (28 stories from Netherlands folklore)
- Storr, Catherine. The Flying Dutchman. Milwaukee: Raintree Childrens Books, 1985. (32 ps.) [NETHERLANDS] (legend of the Dutch sea captain destined to sail forever over the seven seas unless he finds the love of a faithful girl)
- Early, Margaret. William Tell. NY: Harry N. Abrams, 1991. (29 ps.) [SWITZERLAND] (legend of William Tell)
- Fisher, Leonard Everett. William Tell. NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1996. [SWITZERLAND] (how the tyrannical Austrian governor, Gessler, forced William Tell to shoot an apple from his son's head)
- Small, Terry. The Legend of William Tell. NY: Bantam Books, 1991. [SWITZERLAND] (rhyming version of the legendary Swiss folk hero)
- Stone, Marti. The Singing Fir Tree: A Swiss Folktale. NY: Putnam, 1992. (unp.) [SWITZERLAND] (a woodcarver tries to cut down the town's singing fir tree to use the perfect wood for his masterpiece)
Greece, Balkan Peninsula
- Dewey, Ariane. Dorin and the Dragon. NY: Greenwillow Books, 1982. (30 ps.) [GREECE] (a young prince who is disinherited by his father wanders from country to country until he meets a friendly blind dragon in a castle)
- Evslin, Bernard. Medusa. NY: Chelsea House Pub., 1987. (81 ps.) [GREECE] (Medusa overcome by Perseus)
- Evslin, Bernard. The Minotaur. NY: Chelsea House, 1987. (85 ps.) [GREECE] (monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man who lived in the Labyrinth in Crete sought by and killed by Theseus)
- Fisher, Leonard Everett. Jason and the Golden Fleece. NY: Holiday House, 1990. (32 ps.) [GREECE] (Jason and his Argonauts on his ship Argo search for the golden fleece)
- Fisher, Leonard Everett. Theseus and the Minotaur: A Greek Myth. NY: Holiday House, 1988. [GREECE] (Theseus battles the bull-headed monster, Minotaur)
- Hutton, Warwick. Perseus. NY: M.K. McElderry Books, 1993) [GREECE] (Perseus beheads Medusa, the most horrible of the Gorgons)
- Hutton, Warwick. Theseus and the Minotaur. NY: M.K. McElderry Books, 1989. (32 ps.) [GREECE] (How Theseus killed the Minotaur with the help of Aridane)
- Manna, Anthony. Mr. Semolina-Semolinus: A Greek Folktale. NY: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 1997. (unp.) [GREECE] (Princess Areti makes a man for herself to love from almonds, sugar, and semolina, but he is stolen away by a jealous queen; search)
- Marshall, Laura. The Girl Who Changed Her Fate. NY: Atheneum, 1992. (unp.) [GREECE] (Eleni battles the Fates to change her life)
- McDermott, Gerald. Sun Flight. NY: Four Winds Press, 1980. (36 ps.) [GREECE] (Daedalus designs wax wings for Icarus and himself to escape from the Labyrinth of King Monos of Crete, but Icarus flies too close to the sun and drowns)
- Naden, C.J. Pegasus the Winged Horse. Mahwah, N.J.: Troll, 1981. (32 ps.) [GREECE]
- Naden, C.J.Perseus and Medusa. Mahwah, N.J.: Troll, 1981. (32 ps.) [GREECE]
- Osborne, Will. Jason and the Argonauts. NY: Scholastic, 1988. (84 ps.) [GREECE] (Jason on the Argo to get fleece guarded by a serpent dragon)
- Richardson, I. M. Prometheus and the Story of Fire. Mahwah, NJ: Troll Associates, 1983. (31 ps.) [GREECE] (How the Titan, Prometheus, created people, gave them fire that he stole from the gods and was punished by Zeus)
- Seth, Vikram. Arion and the Dolphin. NY: Dutton Children's Books, 1995. (unp.) [GREECE] (contest; gold; sailing crew; legend of a young musician who swims with a dolphin)
- Spinner, Stephanie. Snake Hair: The Story of Medusa. NY: Grosset & Dunlap, 1999. (48 ps.) [GREECE] (Perseus overcomes Medusa, the serpent-haired monster who turns people to stone)
- Storr, Catherine. Theseus and the Minotaur. Milwaukee: Raintree Children's Books, 1986. (32 ps.) [GREECE] (Theseus confronts the Minotaur on the island of Crete)
- Yolen, Jane. Pegasus, the Flying Horse. NY: Dutton, 1998. [GREECE] (Overly proud Bellerophon tames the winged horse Pegasus, with the help of the goddess Athena, and conquers the monstrous Chimaera.)
Yugoslavia, Romania, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Aegean Islands (Crete)
- Olson, Arielle North. Noah's Cats and the Devil's Fire. NY: Orchard Books, 1991. [ROMANIA] (devil on Noah's ark)
- Philip, Neil. Noah and the Devil: A Legend of Noah's Ark from Romania. NY: Clarion Books, 2001. (unp.) [ROMANIA] (devil, snakes on board)
- Spariosu, Mihai. Ghosts, vampires, and werewolves: Eerie Tales from Transylvania. NY: Orchard Books, 1994. [ROMANIA] (16 tales from Transylvania)
- Van Woerkom, Dorothy. Alexandra the Rock Eater: An Old Rumanian Tale. NY: Knopf, 1978. (31 ps.)[ROMANIA] (dragons, outwitting)
- Scott, Sally. The Three Wonderful Beggars. NY: Greenwillow Books, 1987. (32 ps.) [SERBIA] (three beggars save a young boy from the attempts to kill him by a hard-hearted rich man)

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For a broadened view of folklore, refer to The Folktale by Stith Thompson for tale types and motifs.
For your reading enjoyment, peruse "Folk Tales of the North American Indians" by Stith Thompson. It includes tales categorized by culture group and motif.