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Jokes and Anecdotes (Dewey 398.2)
compliments of Inquiry Unlimited
[a constantly changing URL database with content relevant to elementary school curricula]
Noodlehead Tales
[Drolls, numskull, or nonsense humorous stories][AT 1200-1349]
- The Three Sillies by Steven Kellogg [English]
- Clever Tom and the Leprechaun Retold by Linda Shute [Ireland]
- Clever Elsie [Germany]
- The Twelve Clever Brothers and Other Fools [Russia]
- Lazy Jack by Tony Ross
- When Schlmiel Went to Warsaw by Isaac Bashevis Singer
- The Man Who Thought Himself Dead
- Bringing Water From the Well
- The Sowing of Salt
Married Couples [AT 1350-1439]
- Old Hildebrand
- The Obstinate Wife
- The Lazy Spinning Woman
- The Man Who Does His Wife's Work
- Lucky Hans
- Gudbrand on the Hillside [Norway]
About a Woman (Girl)[AT 1440-1524]
- Clever Elsie
- Clever Kate by Elizabeth Shub [based on a Grimm tale]
- The Girl Who Ate So Little
- The Lisping Maiden
About a Man (Boy)[AT 1525-1874]
- The Brave Tailor [Germany]
- Dick Whittington and His Cat [England]
- The Hungry Parson
- The Master Thief
- Stone Soup
Realistic Tales [similar to our own lives]
- Blue Beard
- Clever Manka
- Dick Whittington and His Cat [England]
- Children of the Wind and Water: Five Stories about Native American Children by Stephen Krensky [Muskogee, Dakota, Huron, Tlingit, Nootka]
- NONSENSE stories
Proverbs, Rhyming verses, Mother Goose (Dewey 398.9)
- Proverbs [interactive Proverbs online proverbs]
- Jump rope rhymes
- Mother Goose

Educator is the recipient of the Miss Rumphius Award.
As of December 4, 2003, you are visitor
to motifs of folklore resources.
Eureka! Inquiry Unlimited is a work in progress.
Copyright © 2002 Marjorie Duby. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified: August 31, 2014.
Unless otherwise indicated, this website and its contents are the property of Inquiry Unlimited and are protected, without limitation pursuant to United States and foreign copyright laws. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: Inquiry Unlimited * attempts to provide appropriate, informative educational links. We check and update links frequently. We cannot be responsible for the content, use of, or quality of materials on any website other than our own. To the best of our knowledge, graphics on this site are public domain. If you find otherwise, please notify us and we will remove them immediately.
For a broadened view of folklore, refer to The Folktale by Stith Thompson for tale types and motifs.
For your reading enjoyment, peruse "Folk Tales of the North American Indians" by Stith Thompson. It includes tales categorized by culture group and motif.