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Looney Latavia
Memphis, TN

Lift up the box lid so we can see, the....
O h...my... Looney Latavia, how cute is she?
O ur Looney came from Louisiana dressed in new overalls.
N ow in a new school, Grahamwood, she explored the halls.
E veryone loved her, how we hate to see her go.
Y a'll take good care of her, from her head to her toe! (by Lauren)

L iving in our classroom one fine April day,
O ut came Looney to hear all about a cave trip and going spelunking.
O oooo! Bats, and crawling through dark, tight tunnels!
N ext, we will tromp through some "Bubble Gum" mud.
"E xciting," thought Looney. "I have enjoyed my stay."
Y ou know I will soon be on my way. (by A.J.)

L ooney was all stuffed inside a box. She was so excited to get
O ut of there, she scampered around and got stuck in my hair.
O n writing this acrostic, she learned how to type.
"N o," we told her when she said, "to shut my pipe."
E veryone cried when she went away. We had a good time I would say, for this one day.
"Y awn," she said. "I'm going to sleep and I'll try not to make one single peep." (by Beth)

L ouisiana, where Looney just came from in the mail. The box is opening....what is inside?
O h! O h! It's Looney Latavia! Let's pass her around, but be careful she is lonely and frail.
N ew faces Looney saw, as we handled her with care.
E njoying everyone playing with her, she just waved her tail.
Y ou get to see Looney in North Dakota now. I guess it's only fair. (by Andrew)

L osing our minds after all our achievement test.....but then... a strange package arrives!
O pen the box!
O ddly, there is a lobster called Looney inside.
N o lobster has ever been to a school's 50th birthday celebration.
E xciting things are taking place at Grahamwood on May the 10th.
Y es, we would like you to stay and have some birthday cake, but we must pass you to the next lucky class. (by Graham)

L ooney is here today and gone tomorrow, but cry, cry, cry......
O h, how I wish she could stay for just one more day!
O pen invitation we give to our friend,Looney. Come join us as we celebrate our 50th birthday bash. Perhaps it should be something smashing like a Crushing Crustacean Party.
N ot only did she help us with our Hyperstudio projects, but she edited our acrostics and they are on the way.
E veryone enjoyed Looney Latavia's stay.
Y a'll take good care of her and send her back some day. (by Lydia)

L ooney the lobster came to Grahamwood school. Oooh-Aaah! Oooh-Aaah!
O veralls was the way she dressed! Oooh-Aaah! Oooh-Aaah!
O h! How we loved her so! Oooh-Aaah! Oooh-Aaah!
N ow! We must see her go! Oooh-Aaah! Oooh-Aaah!
E veryone cried when she left! Oooh-Aaah! Oooh-Aaah! (by David)

L ooney jumped out of the box and ran around the room. She said that she wants to see the Pyramid and Mud Island too!
O h, in Memphis at last! Then off I must be...for I have lots of sights to see."
O ff?" cried the teacher. "Just what do you mean?"
"N ever mind that" said Looney, "I have told you that I have much to see."
E very second counts so off I go and off I'll be. I will be all over the place, so don't try to find me.
Y a'll will like Looney a lot...as much as we did. Just be extremely careful when you open the box lid!

L ooney is a looney lobster.
O h, how well she plays the blues!
O n my table in the classroom is where she learned the Beale Street Festival News.
N ow she knows how to play the harmonica and guitar
E veryone loved Looney Latavia.  She is really quite a star!
Y a'll mail Looney back now....ya' hear! (by Colin)

L oving, little Looney
O h, what a lobster she is.
O veralls she is wearing,
N ice, friendly and caring.
E veryone hates to say good-bye.
Y ou know we are all going to cry! (by Emily)

L ooney, oh Looney, she loves Memphis, Tennessee.
O h, Grahamwood's 50th birthday would be exquisite with thee.
O h, Looney you relieved our achievement test stress.
N ever have we seen such a cute lobster and better yet your were dressed!
E veryone must know that you are our favorite crustacean.
Y ou know we are glad that Memphis is one of your favorite places in the nation. (by Brennan)

L ooney, oh Looney, woman, don't you frown.
O h, Looney, oh, Looney, don't feel down.
O h, what a wonderful lobster you are. Flipping so high in the air....you almost hit a car!
N ow don't break your leg. You don't want a peg.
E at up my dear. There is much food here.
Y ou have to leave? Don't feel sad. You will meet many a lass and a lad. (by Mark)

L ooney Latavia lobster has just arrived
O pening ideas about Memphis and wanting us to take her somewhere.
O ver here, over there...
N ew to Memphis is our baseball park, Autozone Park, and the Pyramid is a unique arena.
E veryone was so happy when you were here.
You are the best.....Looney dear! (by Bobby)

L ooney has brought joy and laughter to the air.
O nly if she could stay one more day!
O h...I hope she has a blast the next place she visits.
N orth Dakota, here Looney Latavia comes!
E veryone wished her a nice trip and we hope to see her next year.
Y a'll take good care of our lobster friend. (by McConnell)

Looney Latavia is a smart li'l lobster.
On April 11, 2000 we all saw her.
O h, those little overalls are so cute!
Now, she couldn't talk, let's just say she was mute.
Everyone in Mrs. Nocifora's class talked to her and put her in a pose.
Ya'll be sure when you send our Looney friend...make sure that the box is closed! (by Zach)
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