Author Reflector -
Group members: ______________________________
Book/Text: ____________________________ Assignment: page _____ - page _____
Author Reflector: Your job is to assume the role of the author and to focus the group members on reflecting as an author. What if you could actually change, modify, or refocus parts of the story?
Create an "Author WhatIf Cube" based on possible solutions you and other group members might consider for questions you are asked.
1. What is a new plot idea that you might now consider as part of the story?
2. What new character information might you reveal in this part of the story?
3. What new use of setting might you include in this part of the story?
4. What connection to another character in another book might you consider as a trait in
one of your characters?
5. What is one strength in this chapter that you are proud of? Why?
6. If you were to change or add something to this chapter to make the chapter better,
what would you change or add? Why?
7. As the author, what did you enjoy most about a character, the plot, or the setting in this chapter? Why?
8. Brainstorm a list of words that describe the character in this portion of the reading.
9. What advice would you give to an author who was adapting this chapter into a movie or video?
10. As the author, what theme was your focus in this chapter?