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Early 20th Century -
Dewey 973.91
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EARLY 20TH CENTURY, 1901-1952
- Pres. Theodore Roosevelt signs the Panama Canal Treaty in 1903.
- September, 1905 - involved in the negotiations that led to the signing of the Portsmouth Treaty ending the Russo-Japanese War ( received Nobel Peace Prize )
- "Dollar diplomacy"
- Pan-American Conference
- Arbitration Treaties
- Western USA - treatment of people - - in World War I (see: 940.3)
- Underwood Tariff Act (reducing average tariffs)
- Federal Reserve Act establishes a system of Federal banks
- 1913 - 16th Amendment (Income Tax) - Constitution of the United States
- 1913 - 17th Amendment creates the direct election of U.S. Senators - Constitution of the United States
- Immigration Act with literacy test (passed over Wilson's
- Selective Draft Act
- 1919 - the 18th Amendment (Consitution of the United States) prohibiting intoxicating liquor was ratified by the States.
- 1920 - 19th Amendment (Constitution of the United States) providing sufferage for women is ratified ( background)
- World War I - trenches on the web (see: 940.3)
- May 7, 1915 - German submarine sinks liner Lusitania with heavy American losses
- April 6, 1917 - Signs the proclamation of war with Germany
- December 4, 1918 - Leaves for Europe to attend Paris Peace Conference which culminates in the Treaty of Versailles (signed June 28, 1919) and establishes the League of Nations
- 1920 - Receives the Nobel Peace Prize
- The first U. S. president to ride to his inauguration in an automobile
- "The Roaring Twenties"
- Sought a return to normalcy after the chaos and turbulence of the World War
- Violence during a coal-mine strike at Herrin, Illinois on June 22-23, 1922 cost 36 lives, 21 of whom were nonunion miners. ( Worker's Party of America perspective)
- Though the Teapot Dome Scandal was revealed in 1924 during the Coolidge Administration, the situation had happened during the Harding Administration when public land was secretly leased to private investors with no bids ( editorial cartoon )
- The first U. S. president to visit Canada and Alaska
- 1924 - The Citizenship Act of 1924 naturalizes Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States
- Though the Teapot Dome Scandal was revealed in 1924 during the Coolidge Administration and dealt with then, the situation had happened during the Harding Administration when public land was secretly leased to private investors with no bids ( editorial cartoon )
- John Scopes was found guilty of having taught evolution in a Dayton, Tennessee high school, was fined $100 and court costs on July 24, 1925.
- Dr. Robert H. Goddard demonstrated the practicality of rockets on March 16, 1926 at Auburn, Massachusetts with the first liquid fuel rocket which traveled 184 feet in 2.5 seconds.
- Captain Charles A. Lindbergh left Roosevelt Field, NY on May 20, 1927, alone in his plane, " the Spirit of St. Louis ", on his first New York-Paris nonstop flight. He reached LeBourget airfield on May 21 having flown 3,610 miles in 33-1/2 hours.
- Benefited from "Coolidge prosperity"
- Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly the Atlantic on June 17, 1928.
- On July 18,1925, Adolph Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" was published.
- The United States goes into a depression after the stock market crashed. Hoover was blamed of the depression and was later defeated for re-election. ( Americans react to the "Great Depression")
- Tried to create the Reconstruction Finance Corporation which would help businesses, farmers about to face foreclosures on their mortgage, help in reforming the banking system, loaning money to states for feeding the unemployed, expanding public works projects to provide work for people

Educator is the recipient of the Miss Rumphius Award
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Copyright © 1997 Marjorie Duby, practitioner formerly sited at Joseph Lee School, Boston, MA.
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Last modified: September 19, 2005.
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