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Eureka! Inquiry Unlimited
Revolutionary War Period -
Dewey 973.3
[a constantly changing URL database with content relevant to elementary school curricula]
Social, political, economic causes of revolution
Quartering troops, Boston Massacre, 1770
Declaration of Independence, 1776
Period of Confederation, 1783-1789
Aspects of the American Revolution
Constitutional Convention
Research generated by students
Operations of 1775
- Battle of Camden, SC (August 16, 1780) - Revolutionary War (see: 975.7)
Battles of 1776-January,1777
African-American (Slavery) [1775-1789]
Native Americans [1775-1789]
- Native American and colonial friction
Constitution Period, 1789-1809
NEW PUBLICATION AVAILABLE - From Caravels to the Constitution by Marjorie Duby.
(Purchase it at: Creative Teaching Press.)
Content: Blackline masters - Using word searches, hidden messages, analogies, anagrams, and creative puzzles, students will learn about history while they apply critical-thinking skills. This resource provides students with opportunities to organize and analyze information and to draw conclusions. Extension activities promote practical, informative, narrative, and expository writing skills to help meet the standards. 112 pages [LW405 - From Caravels to the Constitution - $13.99]

Educator is the recipient of the Miss Rumphius Award
Eureka! Inquiry Unlimited is a work in progress. Comments may be sent to webmaster@inquiryunlimited.org
Copyright © 1997 Marjorie Duby, practitioner formerly sited at Joseph Lee School, Boston, MA.
All Rights Reserved.
Last modified: March 17, 2006.
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