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Quickstart Thinking Alignment Menu

Bloom's Taxonomy -

Cognitive Domain Level

Thinking dispositions

  1. Thinking objectives
  2. Understanding performances





Interest dispositions

Level 1 - Knowledge


Possess information

Level 2 - Comprehension


Understanding put into own words

define; identify; label; locate; match; name; read; reproduce; restate; state; view; observe

ask; discover; listen; research; comprehend; brainstorm; describe; discuss; explain; summarize; give examples; generalize

ads; television; radio; newspapers; cartoons; magazines; books; records; videos; CDs; filmstrips; films; WWW; maps; models; people

brainstorm; watch a film; role play; debate; illustrate; practice a play; respond to peers;

Level 3 - Application


Apply to a new situation

teach/explain/model; plan; list; construct; record; outline; relate facts; manipulate; experiment; interview; investigate; communicate; diagram; calculate

diary; collection; puzzle; diagram; photographs; map; sculpture; diorama; scrapbook; stitchery; mobile; model; illustration; sketch; database; spreadsheet; software

write an autobiography; design a display; make a map; interview; do an experiment; do research;

Level 4 - Analysis


Take something apart and study it

categorize; group; classify; organize; separate; analyze; dissect; question; investigate; survey; attribute; illustrate; point out; prioritize

graph; survey; questionnaire; chart; commercial; report; diagram; table; spreadsheet; database

note-taking; make a collage; write a song; make a tableau; read;


Level 5 - Synthesis


Bring together knowledge

to form a new idea

combine; compose; compile; invent; create; design; devise; formulate; generate; revise; rearrange; S.C.A.M.P.E.R.; modify; substitute; reorganize; imagine; wonder; write; produce; substitute; reason; pro/con; construct an argument; deduce/induce; interpret; predict; infer; estimate; make connections; make analogies; define distinctions; see things from different points of view; brainstorm solutions; collaborate; communicate; facilitate; formulate; intervene; negotiate

story; poem; play; cartoon; news article; TV, radio, video show; original audio tape; cartoon; play; advertisement; pantomime song; architectural structure; magazine; invention; recipe; new game; new product; puppet show; machine; new color, smell, taste; original alphabet book; Powerpoint, Hyperstudio, KidPix presentation

collaborate; dance; sing;

act; play and explore;

talk and present





Level 6 - Evaluation


Make a judgment according

to a standard or criteria

evaluate; judge; discuss; make decisions; choose; recommend; justify; critique; assess; debate; set standards; give evidence; prove; criticize; editorialize; self-reflect; defend

critique; recommendation; letter; group discussion; panel; news item; court trial; survey; conclusion; value; self-evaluation


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Created in 1998. Last modified: September 16, 2005. Copyright © 2000 - Inquiry Unlimited. All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise indicated, this website and its contents are the property of Marjorie Duby and are protected, without limitation pursuant to United States and foreign copyright laws. All rights reserved. Disclaimer: Based on the work of Project Zero at Harvard University; Bloom's Taxonomy - Cognitive Domain