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GeoGame - "A Teaching Children Social Studies with the Internet Project"
suggested by Marjorie Duby, retired practitioner at Joseph Lee School
Project name: GeoGame
Original access: This project was formerly announced on listserves through electronic mail to gather participants. It was previously posted on a Global School Network webpage.
Type of project: email
Discipline(s): Geography, map skills, social studies
Grade level: Middle-upper elementary
Goal/objective: To learn geography terms, learn how to read and interpret maps; increase awareness of geographical and cultural diversity.
Description of the project: Each participating class completes a questionnaire about their own location including information about latitude, typical weather, land formations, nearest river, time zone, points of interest, for whom, what famous, direction from capital, and population.
The coordinator collects responses from all the participating sites, scrambles the information, and returns the data to participants as puzzles for the classes to solve.
Students, with help from whatever maps, atlases, and other reference materials available in the school, match the description of each location (based on the questionnaire) with the name of the corresponding city.
At the conclusion of the project, the coordinator will email the correct answers. The "winning" classes are those with the most correct solutions to the game.
Suggestions and directions are emailed to participants along with the clues. Geogame sessions are in the Fall, Winter, and Spring.
Time commitment: 2 -3 guided classroom sessions
Telecommunications skills: use of electronic mail
Classroom management: Teacher should divide the class into groups to work on various clues. One person then fills in a template to return answers to the coordinator.
Skills focus: map reading skills
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Created: 1997
Last modified: October 18, 2006 by Marjorie Duby, former practitioner at Joseph Lee School, Boston, MA
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