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Poetry Retelling Self-Evaluation

from Inquiry Unlimited

[in pursuit of inquiry-based strategies.]

Your Name: _____________ Date: _________
Poem Title: ________________________
Book Title: ______________________ Author: ______________________
Publisher: ___________________ City: ______________Year of publication: _____

  1. I provided a word processed copy of the poem for our booklet.
  2. I illustrated the poem as a published product.
  3. I organized written observations of the poem in preparation for my oral presentation for our class which included my ability to:
      a. Identify and analyze the structure of the poem.
        _ (1) Couplets (2 lines which rhyme)
        _ (2) Free verse (no rhyming pattern; expresses an idea or a story)
        _ (3) Cinquain (five-line poems)
        _ (4) Elegy (a sad poem usually written in honor of a dead person)
        _ (5) Epic (a long poem that tells a story; usually based on history)
        _ (6) Haiku (three non-rhyming lines; 5 syllables; 7 syllables; 5 syllables)
        _ (7) Limericks (5 line humorous poems)
        _ (8) Ballads (Stories told in poetic form.) (ABCB pattern)
        _ (9) Sonnets - (love poems including 14 lines with a set rhyme pattern)
      b. Observe , identify, and mention elements in the poem.
        (1) rhyming patterns - end words that rhyme (ABCB) (AABB)
        (2) comparison using similes - "like" or "as" - - ("Your eyes sparkle as diamonds.")
        (3) comparison using metaphors implying one thing is the other - ("Your eye is a diamond sparkling in the light.")
        (4) onomatopoeia - imitation of natural sounds - - (buzzing bee)(meow, hiss, gurgle, splat)
        (5) alliteration - repetition of a sound - My mother makes muffins on Monday.
        (6) Personification makes non-human animals and nature seem human ("The fire leaped from house to house.")
      c. Interpret the content of the poem to include:
        (1) What you felt the poet was trying to express in this poem.
          (a) This might include: where the poem took place, the characters, or any problems in the poem.
        (2) What specific details, word images, and specific language the poet used to express his feelings?
      d. Personally evaluate the poem to include:
        (1) What you liked in the poem and why?
        (2) How would you connect this poem to your life?

    Pass in: Written observations (report) of your presentation; class produced, word processed copy of your poem; class produced, illustrated, published poem product; this checklist.
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    Created in 1998. Last modified: January 29, 2085. Copyright © 1999, - Marjorie Duby. All rights reserved.
    The original works contained on these pages may not be duplicated without expressed written permission of Marjorie Duby, except where otherwise noted. All rights reserved.