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Historical Fiction Focus

Key questions from Inquiry Unlimited

[in pursuit of inquiry-based strategies.]

In Night Bird, A Story of the Seminole Indians by Kathleen Kudlinski (1840, Florida), we learn that in Seminole culture, the children learn to "watch and listen." Give 3 examples of how one of the characters shows she is applying this training?

In Mississippi Bridge by Mildred Taylor, how did the character of Josias Williams show us the challenges a black man might have faced living in Mississippi in the 1930s?

How do Cinque (The Slave Ship - 1839, Cuba) and Sarah ("Sarah, Plain and Tall" - 1910, Kansas) show bravery?

For the safety of her sister, Naledi and Tiro made a decision to reach their Mma in Jo'burg. In Journey to Jo'burg, compare two dangers Naledi and Tiro faced in South Africa that might have been similar to dangers experienced by their counterparts living in the United States prior to Civil Rights legislation.

How does Elizabeth Speare, through her characters, send the reader the message that though we might face challenges, it is all right to be different? (The Witch of Blackbird Pond - 1687 - Connecticut)

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