Amistad Character Court Participation Rubric
(If television had existed in 1800s Boston, your character would be appearing
on a program called "Life in the Courts")
Character Appearance Very effective - 4 Partially effective - 3 Needs work - 2 Not prepared to represent the character - 0 |
The student appeared with with a student-generated costume. |
The student brought suitable props for the character to use or have nearby |
While sitting for the court case, the student's character kept busy doing something that was appropriate to the court room. |
Character's Demeanor Very effective - 4 Partially effective - 3 Needs work - 2 Lacked preparation - 0 |
The student appeared to be engaged and receptive. |
The student approached the assignment seriously without giggling and without being giddy. |
The student appeared to have planned the character role prior to the court appearance. |
The student made eye contact as he/she responded. |
The student spoke with a clear voice and with a suitable volume for the appearance. |
The student spoke the text with voice as if it might have really happened to the character. |
Preparation of the text Very effective - 4 Partially effective - 3 Needs work - 2 Lacked preparation - 0 |
The student included factually accurate information to the case. |
The student presented the information in an organized manner. |
The student explained the incidents and details so that the audience could identify with the events being cited |