Inquiry Unlimited | Looney Lobster | Eureka! | Revolutionary period | USA timelines | Literacy resources | Fishing theme
Task 5 : Follow-up Student Activity Written Prompts for Fishing Stages Content
- Issue 1: As an English West Country merchant, in the first person, explain your point of view abount being involved with commercial fishing and how that role adds to your support of the slave trade in the Caribbean.
- Issue 2: As an English West Country merchant, in the first person, explain your point of view abount being involved with commercial fishing and how that role adds to your support of the slave trade in Africa.
Task 5: Student Written Product Formats
- Write a persuasive letter to a business partner, friend, or relative expressing your first-person point of view as an English West Country investor. (Synthesis)
- As an English West Country investor, send your first-person comments as a "Letter to the Editor" (Synthesis)
- As an English West Country investor, create the text of a speech you will make to a group of future investors. (Synthesis)
- As the Investors Club seeks to gain new members, create the advertisement about the opportunities for making money as an investor in the fishing grounds venture. (Sythesis)
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Last modified: September 19, 2005.
Copyright 2002 Marjorie Duby. This is the intellectual property of Marjorie Duby.