Africa |
Mbane, Phumla. Nomi and the Magic Fish. NY: Doubleday, 1972. (Lee) |
Nomi |
Africa |
Steptoe, John. Mufaro's Beautiful Daughter. New York: Lothrop Lee & Shepard, 1987. (D4) |
Mufaro |
Appalachia |
Chase, Richard. Grandfather Tales ("Ashpet"), Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1948. (398.2C Lee) (pc) |
Ashpet |
Appalachia |
Compton, Joanne. Ashpet: An Appalachian Tale. Holiday House,1994. (398.2CE Canton) |
Ashpet |
China |
Louie, Ai-Ling. Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story From China. Philomel, 1982. (Kane; video) (Kane) |
Yeh-Shen |
Czech |
Haviland, Virginia. Favorite Fairy Tales Told in Czechoslovakia. Boston: Little Brown, 1966. ("The Twelve Months") (pc) |
Marushka |
Czech |
Horejs, Vit. Twelve Iron Sandals and Other Czechoslovak Tales ("The Twelve Months"). Little Brown, 1966. (J398.2HA Randolph) (pc) |
Marushka |
Egypt |
Climo, Shirley. The Egyptian Cinderella. New York: Crowell, 1989. (E Cli Rand) |
Rhodopis |
Egypt |
Green, Roger. Tales of Ancient Egypt ("The Girl with the Rose-Red Slippers"), New York: Henry Walck, 1968. (J398.2Gre Randolph) (pc) |
Rhodopis |
England |
Arbuthnot, May Hill. Time For Fairy Tales ("Tattercoats"), NY: Scott, Foresman, 1961. (028.5A Avon) (pc) |
Tattercoats |
England |
Baker, Augusta. The Golden Lynx and Other Tales ("Kari Woodencoat"), New York: J.B. Lippincott, 1960. (J398.2Ba Randolph) (pc) |
Kari |
England |
Garner, Alan. Alan Garner's Book of British Fairy Tales ("Mossycoat"), NY: Delacorte Press, 1984. (J398.2Ga Randolph) (pc) |
Mossycoat |
England |
Greaves, Margaret. Tattercoats. Potter, 1990. (398.2GE Canton) |
Tattercoats |
England |
Steel, Flora. Tattercoats: An Old English Tale. Bradbury, 1976. (E STE Rand) (pc) Tattercoats |
Tattercoats |
European |
Arbuthnot, May Hill. Time For Fairy Tales ("Mother Holle"), NY: Scott Foresman, 1961. (o28.5A Avon) (pc) |
Mother Holle |
European |
Jacobs, Joseph. European Folk and Fairy Tales. ("The Cinder-Maid") NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1916. (J398.2Jac Turner) (pc) |
Cinder-Maid |
Finland |
Boos, Claire. Scandinavian Folk & Fairy Tales ("Liisa and the Prince"). New York: Avenel Books, 1984. (398.2Boo Randolph) (pc) |
Liisa |
France |
Brown, Marcia. Cinderella or The Little Glass Slipper. New York: Chas. Scribners, 1954. (398.2 Lee) |
Cinderella |
France |
Galdone, Paul. Cinderella. New York: McGraw Hill, 1978. (E Galdone Rand) |
Cinderella |
France |
Jeffers, Susan. Cinderella. Dial, 1985. (398.2P Milton) |
Cinderella |
France |
Perrault, Charles. Cinderella or The Little Glass Slipper. Bradbury, 1973. (398.2P Milton) |
Cinderella |
France |
Rackham, Arthur. Cinderella. New York: Viking Press, 1973. (398.2 Lee)(pc) |
Cinderella |
Germany |
de la Mare, Walter. Castles and Dragons ("Ashputte"), New York: Thomas Crowell, 1958. (398.2C Lee) (pc) |
Ashputtel |
Germany |
Grimm, Jacob. Household Stories ("Aschenputtel"), Dover, 1963. (398.2Gr Rand) (pc) |
Aschenputtel |
Ireland |
McGarry, Mary. Great Fairy Tales of Ireland ("Fair, Brown, and Trembling" by Joseph Jacobs) NY: Avenel Books, 1973. (398.2McG Stoughton) (pc) |
Trembling |
Italy |
Haviland, Virginia. Favorite Fairy Tales Told in Italy ("Cenerentola"), Little Brown, 1965. (J398.2Hav Rand)(pc) |
Cenerentola |
Korea |
Adams, E. B. The Korean Cinderella. Seoul, Korea: Seoul International Pub. House, 1982. (398.2 Cohasset) |
Native American (Micmac) |
Arbuthnot, May Hill. Time For Fairy Tales ("Little Burnt-Face"), NY: Scott Foresman, 1961. (028.5A Avon) (pc) |
Little Burnt-Face; Great Spirit |
Native American (Atlantic coast) |
Haviland, Virginia. North American Legends ("The Indian Cinderella"), New York:Collins, 1979. (J398.2Nor Randolph) (pc) |
Burnt Face |
Native American (Zuni) |
Haviland, Virginia. North American Legends ("Poor Turkey Girl"), New York:Collins, 1979. (J398.2Nor Randolph) (pc) |
Poor Turkey |
Native American (Algonquin) |
Martin, Rafe and Shannon, David. The Rough-Face Girl. New York: G.P. Putnam, 1992. (D4) |
Rough-Face |
New Hampshire (USA) |
Jagendorf, M. New England Bean-Pot ("Cinderella of New Hampshire"), New York: Vanguard Press, 1948. (398.2J Lee) (pc) |
Martha Hilton |
Norway |
Dasent, G. W. East O' The Sun and West O' the Moon: 59 Norwegian Folktales ("Katie Woodencloak: A Cinderella Story from Norway"). New York: Dover Pub., 1970. (Stoughton Library) |
Katie Woodencloak |
Norway |
Haviland, Virginia. Favorite Fairy Tales Told in Norway. ("The Princess on the Glass Hill"), Little Brown, 1961. (J398.2Hav Randolph) (pc) |
Cinderlad |
Old South |
Hooks, William. Moss Gown. New York: Clarion, 1987. (J398.2Hooks Cohasset) (pc) |
Candace (Moss Gown) |
Russia |
Haviland, Virginia. Favorite Fairy Tales Told in Russia. ("Vasilisa the Beautiful"), Little Brown, 1961. (pc) |
Vasilisa |
Russia |
Whitney, Thomas. Vasilisa the Beautiful. Macmillan, 1970. (Lee) |
Vasilisa |
Viet Nam |
Graham, Gail. The Beggar in the Blanket & Other Vietnamese Tales. ("The Jeweled Slipper") New York: Dial Press, 1970. J398.2G76 Quincy) (pc) |
Tam |
Viet Nam |
Vuong, Lynette Dyer. The Brocaded Slipper ("The Brocaded Slipper"), New York: Addison-Wesley, 1982. (J398.2Vu Randolph) (pc) |
Tam |
Modern |
Cole, Babette. Prince Cinders. New York: G.P. Putnam, 1987. (D4) |
Modern |
Dahl, Roald. Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes ("Cinderella"), New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1982. (pc) |
Cinderella |
Modern |
Huck, Charlotte. Princess Furball (J paperback Randolph) |
Princess Furball |
Modern |
Perle, Ruth. Cinderella with Benjy and Bubbles. New York: Holt Rinehart |
Cinderella |
Modern |
Perlman, Janet. Cinderella Penguin or The Little Glass Flipper. New York: Viking, 1992. (E Per Randolph) |
Cinderella Penguin |
Modern |
Wegman, William. Cinderella. Hyperion, 1993. (398.3Weg Scituate) |