Answer1 = "D"
Answer2 = "I"
Answer3 = "F"
Answer4 = "K"
Answer5 = "L"
Answer6 = "G"
Answer7 = "A"
Answer8 = "J"
Answer9 = "E"
Answer10 = "B"
Answer11 = "H"
Answer12 = "C"
Answer13= "M"
Answer14 = "W"
Answer15 = "O"
Answer16 = "S"
Answer17 = "R"
Answer18 = "Z2"
Answer19 = "X"
Answer20 = "T"
Answer21 = "N"
Answer22 = "U"
Answer23= "Q"
Answer24 = "Z"
Answer25 = "Y"
Answer26 = "P"
Answer27 = "V"
Answer28 = "A2"
clue1 = "Leslie Kronk's 4th graders in Waconia, MN"
clue2 = "Terry Conrad's 5th graders in Richmond, TX"
clue3 = "Gary Seelig's 5th graders in Belfair, WA"
clue4 = "5th graders at the Wilson Elementary School in Hays, KS"
clue5 = "Karen Newens' 5th graders in Las Animas, CO"
clue6 = "Dr. Denise Johnson's Pre-Service group
at the Univ. of Central Arkansas in Conway, AR"
clue7 = "Chris Wolf's 4th graders in Waukesha, WI"
clue8 = "Marlene Morrow's 3rd graders in Wexford, PA"
clue9 = "Susan Murray's group in Santa Fe, NM (2)"
clue10 = "Kelly Andrews-Babcock's 3rd graders in Willimantic, CT"
clue11 = "Pamela Blackwell's 3rd graders in Amarillo, TX"
clue12 = "Holly Williams' 3rd graders in Etowah, TN"
clue13 = "Susan Hinton's 7th graders in Smithville, TN"
clue14 = "Patt Squicciarini's 5th graders in West Babylon, NY"
clue15 = "Evelyn Kelley's 1st graders in Birmingham, AL"
clue16 = "John Lindner's 3rd graders in San Jose, CA"
clue17 = "Gail Davis' class in Belfair, WA"
clue18 = "Barbara Nass' 4th graders in Santa Fe, NM"
clue19 = "Marjorie Duby's 5th graders in Boston, MA"
clue20 = "Anne Guilbeaux's 5th graders in Abbeville, LA "
clue21 = "Daphney Delaney's 5th graders in Southport, NC"
clue22 = "Linda Blumenshine's 5th graders in Marseilles, IL"
clue23 = "Alice Johnson's 6th graders in Florence, SC"
clue24 = "Brooke Keller's 5th graders in Fernley, NV"
clue25 = "Norma Goldstein's 5th graders in Jericho, NY"
clue26 = "Ruth Petsel's 5th graders in Ironton, MO"
clue27 = "Sherry Dupre's 3rd graders in Alvord, TX"
clue28 = "Dawn Walsh's 5th graders
JoAnne Rupp's 6th graders
in Archbold, OH"
item1 = request.form("Clue1")
item2 = request.form("Clue2")
item3 = request.form("Clue3")
item4 = request.form("Clue4")
item5 = request.form("Clue5")
item6 = request.form("Clue6")
item7 = request.form("Clue7")
item8 = request.form("Clue8")
item9 = request.form("Clue9")
item10 = request.form("Clue10")
item11 = request.form("Clue11")
item12 = request.form("Clue12")
item13 = request.form("Clue13")
item14 = request.form("Clue14")
item15 = request.form("Clue15")
item16 = request.form("Clue16")
item17 = request.form("Clue17")
item18 = request.form("Clue18")
item19 = request.form("Clue19")
item20 = request.form("Clue20")
item21 = request.form("Clue21")
item22 = request.form("Clue22")
item23 = request.form("Clue23")
item24 = request.form("Clue24")
item25 = request.form("Clue25")
item26 = request.form("Clue26")
item27 = request.form("Clue27")
item28 = request.form("Clue28")
MatchAnswer = "N"
if ucase(trim(item1)) = answer1 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item2)) = answer2 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item3)) = answer3 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item4)) = answer4 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item5)) = answer5 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item6)) = answer6 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item7)) = answer7 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item8)) = answer8 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item9)) = answer9 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item10)) = answer10 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item11)) = answer11 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item12)) = answer12 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item13)) = answer13 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item14)) = answer14 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item15)) = answer15 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item16)) = answer16 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item17)) = answer17 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item18)) = answer18 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item19)) = answer19 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item20)) = answer20 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item21)) = answer21 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item22)) = answer22 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item23)) = answer23 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item24)) = answer24 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item25)) = answer25 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item26)) = answer26 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item27)) = answer27 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
if ucase(trim(item28)) = answer28 then
matchanswer = "Y"
end if
<% if matchanswer = "Y" then%>
Where Is Locational Clues Yes
YES !!
Looney will be going to <%=cluename%>!
You have responded to the clue correctly!
Go "back" for more "Mystery Clues."
<% else %>
Where Is Locational Clues No
Try again ! !
That city and state are NOT a match for those mystery clues!
Go "back," review the clue information, and respond to the clue again!
<% end if %>